Storyteller + Dramaqueen = Jantien
On the, plastic-wrapped, couch of pake and beppe. The buzzing terrace of my favorite place by the water. At the table with my dearest friends. In the bus, train or plane between people I have never seen before.
Eavesdropping. Listening in,between the lines what is not said out loud, but is meant.
That is my greatest source of inspiration when developing stories, and my greatest strength while drawing out your story.

I’m an eavesdropping drama queen. You can take that last one literally, because for many years I was the head writer of the longest running daily drama series in the Netherlands. And I still develop television series. But a TV character is just a pale reflection of a real human being. Like you. With all your experiences of sadness, love, fear, joy, failure, and success. All those experiences and the stories that go with them make you beautiful and human. They create a connection with everyone who recognizes themselves in your story.
It’s not always easy to find your story. Sometimes you don’t even know what it’s about. And sometimes you think you know, but actually it’s bullshit. Or you know but feel very hesitant to be all vulnerable and real…. That’s where I come in!
I’m going to draw you out. I’m going to help you. I’m going to confuse you. We’re going to practice, play and explore. Push boundaries, uncover and unravel stories. See it as a playground. A journey of discovery, ending with your real story. Perhaps beautiful, perhaps ugly. Perhaps beautiful in its ugliness. But always authentic.
Get inspired by Jantien Streefkerk
Storytelling op z’n best. Luistert als een mysterie, maar gaat over zoveel meer. Kwetsbaarheid. Waarheid. Vergeten. Prachtig gedaan door de vrouwen van SCHIK.
NPO Radio 1 / VPRO
Baby you’re a firework.
Come on, let your colors burst.
Katy Perry
Writing from the heart. Peeling away the layers to get to what’s really alive inside of you. In any case, cheaper than therapy.