Training at The Speech Republic is about daring to be you, even in difficult circumstances. Once you can do that on a stage, it becomes easier in other, less vulnerable places too. That’s my ongoing fascination with the stage and that’s why I started Speech Republic.

For me, The Speech Republic is about adventure. Because playing safe just doesn’t work on stage and will never lead to interesting stories. Outside of work, I also seek out adventure, whether it’s kite surfing, motorcycling or jumping into canals in winter. Real adventure, but in a more or less safe way. That is also what you, as a client, can expect from us.
I’m profoundly optimistic. I truly believe that the world is heading in the right direction, even if it’s sometimes hard to see. I see it in my children – the next generation is already so much more open and tolerant than my own. I also bring my cheerfulness and optimistic attitude to life into the training room. I am happy if you learn something and we both have a good time.
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The future doesn’t belong to the fainthearted. It belongs to the brave.
Ronald Reagan
in the Challenger address
We are moving to a world of abundance
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