The End of Year Speech
5 min. read timeIt may be the biggest cliché of this period, but how quickly the year has flown by! A year full of beautiful, important and impactful moments that you want to share with your teams and employees. You will soon have the opportunity to give them that last message, that heart in their hearts, that proud review or inspiring vision for the new year.
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So how do you ensure that your story does not become a “final hurdle” but a moment of connection and pride? Here are 4 tips in advance!
1. Celebrate the whole year, not just December
What happened in January? Who remembers that one project in April? It’s amazing how quickly we forget successes. By looking back at highs as well as lows from throughout the year, you give your people something valuable: perspective. It reminds them how resilient and successful they have been together.
Tip: By reviewing your calendar from throughout the year, you will discover hidden gems. Name them, let them shine and watch pride fill the space.
2. Make it personal, and touch the audience
Authenticity is not a buzzword; it is a prerequisite. A good story starts with yourself. What has the year meant to you? Where did you feel pride? Where was the pain? People don’t want generalities or platitudes. They want to hear what touched you and why. Connect on a felt level, not just on facts.
Tip: Don’t simply tell them that “we all worked hard.” Show what that means. Share how you experienced that one bump or breakthrough and how that defines you as a group.
3. Connect, inspire and be great
A year-end story is not a business update. It is a moment of connection. Who are you as a team? What binds you together? Especially at a time when hybrid working is the norm, physical gathering becomes rare and valuable. Use it to cultivate pride and make your people fall in love with their work, their colleagues and their organization.
Tip: Go full steam ahead. A good story is not a sparse celebration, but an ode to your journey together.
4. Plan ahead: close and reopen
You may already want to say something about plans for next year. But realize that December is about closing, not starting. December often feels like a final sprint: final tasks, tight deadlines. Don’t go overboard with that. Strategy and outlook? Save those for January. After all, two weeks make a world of difference in energy. End your year with pride and vision; start the new year with decisiveness and action.
Tip: Say in December what was, and in January what is to come. Use the energy of both moments to the maximum.
With these insights, don’t give a cliché talk, but an end-of-year story that really touches. Your people deserve it, and you also deserve to end this year with pride and satisfaction. Stand still, connect, inspire. Let your audience leave feeling like they are part of something bigger. Let them go into the holidays with a smile.
Working on your year-end speech?
Over the next month, we will be working with many people again to deliver an end-of-year message with impact. Would you like to work on this as well? Then contact us, and let’s make your year-end speech unforgettable!
Any other tips?
Especially feel like listening further to the best tips for your year-end speech?